Center of Hope:
Sunday, February 16, 2025
”Restoring Hope to the Community”

COH Annual Days Photo Album

(Photos by Randall D. Clark,

Welcome to the Center of Hope Annual Days Photos page!  All events are arranged with the most recent first.  Under each event, click the "view album" link to view the photos from that particular event.  Once inside each event, click on each thumbnail pic to view a larger version of that picture.    


COH Easter Celebration 2015 (9 Photos) (4/5/2015)
Center of Hope also holds their annual Prince and Princess pageant.


COH African Heritage Sunday Celebration Sunday (7 Photos) (2/22/15)
Center of Hope holds their annual heritage celebration through worship and wearing royal african attire.


Dr. and Leading Lady Perryman Celebrate 15 Years of Ministry (34 Photos) (7/15/12)
Dr. and Leading Lady Perryman celebrated 15 years of ministry at Center of Hope.  Guests included Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church and community leaders.  Photos are courtesy of Lashanna Alfred of U-Change Publishing.


Prince & Princess/African Heritage Sunday (22 Photos) (2/26/12)
This year, there were several categories for the contest: best dressed (church and african attire), best grades, most adorable, and highest fundraiser.  All were encouraged to come dressed in royal African attire and after service, members went and voted early.



14th Pastoral Anniversary Celebration (11 Photos) (7/10/11)
Dr. and Leading Lady Perryman welcomed Jerusalem MBC, local community servants, and dignitaries.
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COH Mother's Day '11 (5/8/2011) (2 Photos)
A Young Lion reads the "Mother's Day" responsive reading, a founding mother is honored.
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JRAP Rejuvenation '11 (Part 1) (3/26/2011) (5 Photos)
University of Toledo Students and COH members rejuvenate the garden for the 2011 season.
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COH Black History Celebration '11 (2/27/11) (34Photos)
During the annual celebration, the COH Daughters of Imani and Young Lions present historic African-Americans to the congregation and the Prince/Princess contest winners are announced. 


COH Christmas 2010 (12/19/2010) (19 Photos)
Following a special Christmas breakfast, the COH Young Lions and Daughters of Imani recite Christmas poems in front of the congregation during service.


COH "Trunk or Treat" 2010 (10/31/2010) (11 Photos)


COH "Women's Day" 2010 (10/24/2010) (31 Photos)
This year's theme is: "Women with a New Life and a New Testimony," taken from John 4.
COH "Men's Day" 2010 (8/8/2010) (26 Photos)
Daughters of Imani perform, local community leaders visit as part of the celebration.
COH "Mother's Day" 2010 (5/9/2010) (12 Photos)
Young Lions serve special breakfast, Daughters of Imani perform for mothers.
COH "Building Fund Heritage State Rally" 2010 (4/18/2010) (4 Photos)
Team Alabama repeats as Champ.
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COH Easter 2010 (4/4/2010) (27 Photos)
COH "Daughters of Imani" dance for the congregation, 8 were baptized, and youth received snacks following service.
COH Prince/Prince Contest 2010 (2/28/10) (15 Photos)
This year, there were three divisions: Ages 0-3; ages 4-7; and ages 8-12.  All proceeds went to the Women of Worth and Bodacious Women ministries.  



COH Black History Celebration 2010 (2/28/10) (8 Photos)
COH Celebrates Black History and welcomes new member to the family.


COH "Watch Night '09 (12/31/09) (2 Photos)
COH congregants come together to testify to the the Lord's presence in 2009, leave their prayers and desires at the altar, and pray for his protection in 2010.
COH Christmas '09 (12/20/09) (4 Photos)
The Daughters of Imani and Culinary Ministry teamed up to host a special breakfast, Young Gifted & God's sing during service, an individual joins the Center of Hope family, and family photos were taken following service.


COH "Trunk or Treat" '09 (10/30/09) (19 Photos)

Children dressed in Halloween costumes traveled from trunk to trunk in Center of Hope's parking lot during the annual event.  In addition to candy and snacks being given out, hot dogs, donuts, and cider were also available. 


COH Women's Day Celebration '09 (10/25/09) (13 Photos)
This year's Women's Day was celebrated on October 25th 2009.  The theme was "“God Saving and Protecting Children Through Christian Women.”  Min. Hearn of New Prospect BC (Detroit, MI) returned as the guest preacher.  The colors were white with purple accessories and Dea. T. Stewart was the chairperson.


COH Men's Day '09 (8/9/09) (8 Photos)


Dr. Perryman Recives Special Tribute on Father's Day (6/21/09) (2 Photos)
During service on Father's Day, Dr. Perryman receives a special public tribute from one of his members.



COH Mother's Day '09 (5/10/09) (17 Photos)
All mothers receive a dance tribute and gifts, a mother and her children join Center of Hope.



COH Easter '09 (4/12/09) (33 Photos)
COH's "Young, Gifted & God's" recite their Easter speeches, the Baker Family joins Center of Hope.



Building Fund State Rally '09 (4/5/09) (23 Photos)  
COH Prince/Princess Contest '09 (2/22/09) (15 Photos)
The Women of Worth held a Prince & Princess Contest for children ages 5 and under.  It’s similar to last year’s Baby Contest, except this year, the boy and girl that raised the most money were crowned Prince & Princess.  Both were announced during our Black History Service on February 22nd and crowned the following week.  Also, our “Popular Vote” poll has returned this year. The "Popular Vote" winner was also announced during the Black History Service.
COH Black History Celebration '09 (2/22/09) (5 Photos)  
The youth learn about the history behind African-Americans and education, demonstrate its importance via their academic performance.
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COH "Watch Night" '08 (12/31/08) (2 Photos)  
On Wednesday, December 31st 2008, Center of Hope held its annual "Watch Night" Service.  As a new year began, one person joined Center of Hope to begin a new spiritual life.
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COH Christmas '08 (25 Photos)  
Center of Hope's Young, Gifted & God's and Praise Dance Team participate in Center of Hope's Christmas service, which took place on December 21st 2008.   The children recited Christmas speeches, participated in s short play (entitled "What Was It Like?") and sang "Away In a Manger."  The COH Prsise Dance Team danced to Kirk Franklin's "My Life, My Love, My All."  Dr. Perryman's message "Walking in the Darkness" was based on Isaiah 9:2
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COH helps Bethlehem BC Celebrate their 91st Church Anniversary (12/14/08) (3 Photos)  
On Sunday, December 14, 2008, Center of Hope fellowshipped with Dr. Derek Arnold and Bethelehem Baptist Church as they celebrated their 91st Church Anniversary.  Dr. Perryman preached on the theme "We Are 100% Committed to Christ," taken from  1 Peter 4:19.
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11th Church Anniversary Celebration(11/23/08) (6 Photos)  
On Sunday, November 23, 2008, Center of Hope held its 11th Annual Church Anniversary Celebration.  The theme (taken from Matthew 16:18) was Upon This Rock, I Will Build My Church.  The guest church was Dr. John Roberts and Indiana Ave. Baptist Church.  The 11th Anniversary Chairman and Co-Chairman were Dea. Edward Jones and Dea. Larry Stegall, repsectively.  
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Women's Day '08 (10/26/08) (32 Photos)  
The theme this year was " Christian Women Sustaining Women:  Inter-generational Empowerment" taken from Ruth.  The Morning Preacher was Rev. April Hearn of New Prospect BC (Detroit, MI).


Men's Day '08 (8/10/08) (4 Photos)  
This album  contains photos from  this year's Men's Day celebration at Center of Hope.


11th Pastoral Anniversary Celebration (6/8/08) (40 Photos)
Dr. & Mrs. Perryman celebrated 11 years of Pastoral ministry.  The morning preacher was the Rev. Dr. Ivan Douglas Hicks of First Baptist Church North (Indianapolis, IN).  Afterwards, dinner was held at the Davis buidling. 


Mother's Day '08 (5/11/08) (14 Photos)
This album contains photos of some of the sponsorees and their sponsors and a few of the COH families.


Building Fund State Rally '08 (4/6/08) (3 Photos)
This album contains photos of each of the teams represented in the annual COH Building Fund State Rally.


Easter '08 (3/23/08) (38 Photos)
This album contains photos from the morning breakfast prepared by the COH Culinary Ministry, some of the families of Center of Hope, the children speaking before the congregation, as well as Stephanie and Aeriyonna joining Center of Hope. 


COH Fellowships with Fews Memorial in River Rouge, MI (3/16/08) (6 Photos)
Dr. Perryman and Center of Hope fellowshipped with Dr. Blackmon and Fews during an "All Ushers Day" program.  This album includes a few photos of Fews Memorial, Dr. and Leading Lady with Dr. Blackmon, a photo of the ushers of Fews and visiting churches.


Black History Celebration '08 (2/24/08) (17 Photos)
This year, Center of Hope was blessed by a strong message by Dr. David Fox of Calvary Baptist Church (Dayton, OH), who spoke from the theme "Remember the Stones" as in acknowledging our own history as it has shaped us into what we are today. Center of Hope was also blessed by award-winning actress Regina King, who's campaigning for Barack Obama.  She spent a few minutes speaking to the congregation, rallying for their support of Obama.  Obama, if elected as president, will be the first African-American President in American History.  It is this aspect that adds even more significance to this year's service. 
This album includes photos of Dr. Fox as well as Regina King, followed by photos of families dressed in royal African attire.


Women of Worth "Baby Contest" '08 (20 photos)
The annual Women of Worth "Baby Contest" is a fundraiser through which the Women of Worth collect pledges for a child three years or younger.  This year, the winner received a cash prize along with a plaque with their child's picture that will be placed in the church for a year.
This album contains photos of each contestant, their siblings as they support them, and the final day of the contest .   


Indiana Baptist's 62nd Church Anniversary (2/17/08)(4 Photos)
Dr. Perryman and Center of Hope fellowshipped with Indiana as they they celebrated their 62nd anniversary.  This album includes a few photos of the church and a photo of the Pastors of both churches.


COH "Watch Night" 2007 Testimonials (12/31/07) (14 Photos)
COH's annual "Watch Night" service is one where members of the congregation bring in the new year with testimonials of how the Lord has blessed them.  This album contains photos of those who testified accompanied by their actual testimoials.


Christmas '07 (24 Photos)
This album contains photos of families by the Center of Hope Christmas tree and photos from the Christmas service.


COH 10th Church Anniversary Celebration (11/25/07) (20 Photos)
Rev. Cedric Brock and Mt. Nebo Baptist (Toledo, OH) visited and helped celebrate Center of Hope's 10th Anniversary.


Women's Day '07 (10/28/07) (42 Photos)
Rev. April Hearn of New Prospect Baptist Church (Detroit, MI) made her annual visit to Center of Hope and brought forth a powerful message ("Get Up" taken from Luke 3:13).
This album contains photos from the spirit-filled service and photos from the dinner at the Davis Building following service.


Men's Day '07 (8/12/07) (19 Photos)
Former Toledo Mayor Jack Ford made his annual visit to Center of Hope for the Men's Day celebration.  Center of Hope's first Freedom Schools class was acknowledged during this service as well.  This album includes photos from the service and photos from the outdoor cookout afterwards.



Dr. Perryman's 10th Pastoral Anniversary Celebration (6/10/07) (5 Photos)