Center of Hope Community Baptist Church:
Friday, July 26, 2024

Church Service (2/3/08)

Blessing The Baby

L'Naysziah (2 months) is held by her mother, LaTrish as she's being blessed by Dr. Perryman.  Her father, Richard, is to her right.  At far left is L'Naysziah's grandmother, Sharon and her great grandmother, Mary, is on the far right. 

Blessing The Baby

Terriana Jaynes

Terriana Jaynes stands before the congregation as she's being praised by the Pastor for her wonderful report card.

Terriana Jaynes

Aarona Braziel

Sis. Aarona Braziel stands in the water next to Dea. Young just before being baptized.

Aarona Braziel


Sis. Braziel as she's coming out of the water.
