Center of Hope Community Baptist Church:
Friday, July 26, 2024

Church Service (12/14/08)

 Center of Hope welcomes another to the family, Dr. Perryman is presented with a Birthday Card from the Official Board.

Dr. Perryman's Birthday

 Dea. Jones presents Dr. Perryman with a Birthday Card from the Offcial Board.

Dr. Perryman's Birthday

Her New Home

 Shuron Boone, seated during invitation.  She says, "I've been coming to church with my mother and sisters and have actually been looking for a new church home.  I just feel embraced walking through these doors.."

Her New Home

Sharing the Moment

Shuron shares the moment with her family and friends in the congregation.

Sharing the Moment

Right Hand of Fellowship

 Shuron receives the Right Hand of Fellowship from Dr. Perryman after she joins Center of Hope.

Right Hand of Fellowship

Welcome Home

 Shuron receives a warm welcome from the Center of Hope family.

Welcome Home