Dea. Tracee Perryman (front) leads a song during the devotion. Behind her from left to right are Dea. W.T. Young (Center of Hope), Dea. Melvin Mappe (Center of Hope), Dea. Larry Stegall (Center of Hope), (Mt. Nebo Baptist Church), and Dea. Edward Jones (Chairman, Center of Hope)
Katie Neal & Kathryn Randolph
The Mistress of Ceremony Sis. Katie Neal (left) seated with Kathryn Randolph (Finance Committee)
Aarona Braziel
Aarona Braziel (Center of Hope) welcomes Mt. Nebo Baptist Church.
Sis. Newson
Sis. Newson (Mt. Nebo) gladly accepts the warm welcome from Center of Hope.
Mt. Nebo Baptist Church Choir
The Mt. Nebo Baptist Church Choir provides an A & B selection.
Dea. Tracee Perryman
Dea. Tracee Perryman presents the church history.
Bro. Jeff
Bro. Jeff (Mt. Nebo) on the percussion.
Minister Chandler
Minister Chandler (Mt. Nebo) on the piano.
First Lady Debra Brock
First Lady Debra Brock (Mt. Nebo) sings "Can't Nobody Do Me Like Jesus."
Sis. Vanessa Jones (Center of Hope)
Mother Day and Sis. Newson
Mother Day and Sis. Newson of Mt. Nebo.
Rev. Cedric Brock
Rev. Cedric Brock (Mt. Nebo) presents the young children with prizes and teaches a short lesson about being thankful.
Rev. Cedric Brock & Dr. D.L. Perryman
Pastor Cedric Brock (Mt. Nebo) tells Pastor Perryman (Center of Hope): "People are looking for real preachers like you. God is gonna continue to bless you and your church if you continue to follow his lead. I'm so proud of you. Keep doing what you're doing."
Rev. Cedric Brock
Mary Perryman-Johnson
Mary Perryman-Johnson, as she's being told that the Center of Hope's Fellowship room will be dedicated to and named after her and her late husband, Rev. Thomas Johnson.
Leading Lady Perryman
Leading Lady Willetta Perryman (Center of Hope) with her words of gratitude. She says "Let us praise the Lord with an 'Attitude of Gratitude' for these past ten years. We've had some rough spots and we've had some smooth places and we've had some ups and some downs. But I believe that through it all we have learned to trust in Jesus, and through it all we have learned to trust in God."
Dea. Edward Jones
The 10th Anniversary Director, Dea. Edward Jones, gives his words of gratitude. He says "I just want to thank you all for being a part of this. It's a beautiful celebration because it's a decade, and sometimes we don't get that far."